Prolong Your Torment with Me

Yes, this fucko occasionally writes stories, too. Some people

have even said nice things about them. Got a whole ass book

of 'em together now. And I'm pretty fucking proud of it. Not

just the putting together of larger works than my usual poetry,

but who I've had the opportunity to work with in creating it. 

First off, Bludgeon Girls press has been amazing to work with.

They have provided solid editorial advice without pushing to

compromise my absolutely inviolable and perfect artistic

vision (please stop laughing at me). They are working very

hard to promote the book and me. I didn't run into any

pushback on my standard determination to get the cover art

and design myself. Most importantly, they are cool ass people

doing fun stuff with words and I GET TO PLAY WITH


Then, there is the artwork by Betty Rocksteady. I've been a

huge fan of both her art and her writing for years. Having her

art on a book of mine is cooler than I can convey. Just look at

that Goopy Buddy! It's cute, but also gross. Atrociously

adorable, yet very wet in a discomfitting way. And those eyes,

man. So many eyes. I have a thing about eyes. So badass. I

love it.

Not really last, but last for the moment was getting a blurb

from Laurel Hightower. My bitch writes some of the most

amazing books I have read. Her stuff hits, and it hits hard as

fuck. And she said WHAT about my brainbabies?

"Darkly humorous, erotic, gory, and unflinching in the way

only Anton Cancre can do. With a signature immersive

writing style, Cancre pulls the reader head first into

nightmares and guts, liable to end up with a mouthful of

viscera. The stories showcased in KLANCAR a wide array of

subject matter and approach—at times I didn't know whether

to laugh, flinch or puke, in the best possible way. You may not

know how to feel when you reach the end, but by hell you'll

feel it deep."
- Laurel Hightower, author of EVERY WOMAN KNOWS


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